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Jessica and Aaron Horton

Superstar Consultant


My Story

In January 2019 I Joined Scentsy. I am married to my best friend Aaron of 13 years, I am also stay at home mom to 3 wonderful kids. We recently moved to the farm and started raising chickens (36 to be honest). In 2011 I was diagnosed with bilateral Bell's Palsy due to stress that lasted almost 8 months before the side effects subsided. I was left with permanent damage to my face and I worried about what others thought of me. My first thought was I need Scentsy because I could work from home and not really see people face to face. After my first paycheck I realized this is real and I did it all with pushing through. Joining Scentsy has been the best thing for me I have started pushing through my anxiety attacks for example who knew that asking a random person for ketchup at a restaurant was a big deal? I know right seems so small but for me it was big deal. My Family has seen benefits from me joining Scentsy in more ways than one. I am able to take them on trips like Dinosaur World, and out to buy new school clothes and shoes.
I believe that God is doing something awesome with me through Scentsy and am amazed at how much He has blessed us. One of the coolest blessings happened July 2019 when I attended Scentsy Family Reunion, I faced my fear of meeting people and made some really cool and awesome friends. To think that I started selling Scentsy just because I wanted to feed my own Scentsy addiction, to now being able to take those family trips and see the world. My only regret about this company is that I didnt join SOONER, don’t let that be your regret. Dont let a BOSS determine your freedom. Stop missing baseball games and birthday parties because of your "JOB". Whats the last thing you spent $99 on that paid you BACK over and over?!

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